Stone Gallery
Reinvigorating ancient culture and wisdom through the concept of necropolis
Stone lettering/ carving and the ancient calligraphy are two inseparable art forms. From ancient times until today, masterpieces of the renowned calligraphers were mostly immortalized on stone carvings and letterings. Generation after generation, such masterpieces became one of the most treasured articles, resonating the greatness of ancient human civilization. On historical accounts, stone lettering/ carving knits closely with humanity, religion and of course, the culture of remembering and honouring the departed.
Stone lettering/ carving lays a showcase of perennial historical accounts across different times, encompassing the lives, knowledge, wisdom, maturity, charisma and heritage of the greats. Calligraphy stands for one of the very refined forms of art. The Chinese Calligraphy Stone Gallery is inspired by the beauty of ancient wisdom.
The newly established gallery portrays the repackaging of the Chinese culture with contemporary senses, body and soul. The history of stone gallery has spanned over a few thousand years within and outside China. It weaves across the barriers of culture and time. Proudly, Chinese Calligraphy Stone Gallery at Oriental Villa spreads the seeds of cherishing the beauty of ancient wisdom as you remember your beloved soul, thanks to the attention-to-detail undertakings by the sculptors, calligraphers and landscapers.